Issue 8, 2012

Graphene as a counter electrode material for dye-sensitized solar cells


The dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) plays a leading role in third generation photovoltaic devices. Platinum-loaded conducting glass has been widely exploited as the standard counter electrode (CE) for DSSCs. However, the high cost and the rarity of platinum limits its practical application in DSSCs. This has promoted large interest in exploring Pt-free CEs for DSSCs. Very recently, graphene, which is an atomic planar sheet of hexagonally arrayed sp2 carbon atoms, has been demonstrated to be a promising CE material for DSSCs due to its excellent conductivity and high electrocatalytic activity. This article provides a mini review of graphene-based CEs for DSSCs. Firstly, the fabrication and performance of graphene film CE in DSSCs are discussed. Secondly, DSSC counter electrodes made from graphene-based composite materials are evaluated. Finally, a brief outlook is provided on the future development of graphene-based materials as prospective counter electrodes for DSSCs.

Graphical abstract: Graphene as a counter electrode material for dye-sensitized solar cells

Article information

Article type
10 Apr 2012
11 Jun 2012
First published
13 Jun 2012

Energy Environ. Sci., 2012,5, 8182-8188

Graphene as a counter electrode material for dye-sensitized solar cells

H. Wang and Y. H. Hu, Energy Environ. Sci., 2012, 5, 8182 DOI: 10.1039/C2EE21905K

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