Issue 30, 2012

Synthesis, characterisation and antitubercular activities of a series of pyruvate-containing aroylhydrazones and their Cu-complexes


A series of eight pyruvate-based aroylhydrazones was synthesised and characterised. The reaction of the sodium salts of the aroylhydrazones with one equivalent of copper(II) chloride allowed the isolation of neutral 1 : 1 complexes in which the hydrazones occupy three basal coordination sites of a square pyramidal Cu(II)-centre, with two solvent molecules completing the coordination sphere. Structural details were obtained through the determination of the crystal structures of two representative pyruvate-based aroylhydrazones and three Cu(II) complexes. The evaluation of the antimycobacterial activity of the sodium salts of the eight pryruvate hydrazones showed that the compounds are essentially inactive in their anionic form. The corresponding neutral Cu(II) complexes, however, exhibit promising antimycobacterial activities if tested under high iron (8 μg Fe per mL) conditions. As observed for the related antimycobacterial agent isoniazid, the activity of the complexes decreases if the M. tuberculosis cells are grown under low iron (0.02 μg Fe per mL) conditions. The Cu(II) complexes may thus have a similar mode of action and may require an iron-containing heme-dependent peroxidase for activation.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis, characterisation and antitubercular activities of a series of pyruvate-containing aroylhydrazones and their Cu-complexes

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Article information

Article type
13 Feb 2012
17 May 2012
First published
18 May 2012

Dalton Trans., 2012,41, 9192-9201

Synthesis, characterisation and antitubercular activities of a series of pyruvate-containing aroylhydrazones and their Cu-complexes

A. Jamadar, Anne-K. Duhme-Klair, K. Vemuri, M. Sritharan, P. Dandawate and S. Padhye, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 9192 DOI: 10.1039/C2DT30322A

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