Issue 9, 2012

Diesel fuel from biomass


Several processes are currently under development to produce diesel fuels starting from biomass. Most of them are described and compared. Particular attention has been paid to processes currently studied in eni laboratories. Problems are highlighted, as well as some issues for which further research is advisable. Eventually, however, it is most likely that the success of one or the other of these technologies will depend on several factors, including the availability and the quality of the feedstock, the complexity of the process, and the quality of the final biofuel.

Graphical abstract: Diesel fuel from biomass

Article information

Article type
16 May 2012
26 Jun 2012
First published
29 Jun 2012

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2012,2, 1776-1786

Diesel fuel from biomass

C. Perego and M. Ricci, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2012, 2, 1776 DOI: 10.1039/C2CY20326J

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