Issue 39, 2012

Layer resolved evolution of the optical properties of α-sexithiophene thin films


We report a combined reflectance difference spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy study of ultrathin α-sexithiophene (6T) films deposited on the Cu(110)-(2×1)O surface. The correlation between the layer resolved crystalline structure and the corresponding optical spectra data reveals a highly sensitive dependence of the excitonic optical properties on the layer thickness and crystalline structure of the 6T film.

Graphical abstract: Layer resolved evolution of the optical properties of α-sexithiophene thin films

Article information

Article type
04 Jul 2012
20 Aug 2012
First published
20 Aug 2012

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012,14, 13651-13655

Layer resolved evolution of the optical properties of α-sexithiophene thin films

L. Sun, S. Berkebile, G. Weidlinger, M. Denk, R. Denk, M. Hohage, G. Koller, F. P. Netzer, M. G. Ramsey and P. Zeppenfeld, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14, 13651 DOI: 10.1039/C2CP42270K

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