Issue 30, 2012

Distance measurements in Au nanoparticles functionalized with nitroxide radicals and Gd3+–DTPA chelate complexes


Nanosized gold particles were functionalised with two types of paramagnetic surface tags, one having a nitroxide radical and the other one carrying a DTPA complex loaded with Gd3+. Selective measurements of nitroxide–nitroxide, Gd3+–nitroxide and Gd3+–Gd3+ distances were performed on this system and information on the distance distribution in the three types of spin pairs was obtained. A numerical analysis of the dipolar frequency distributions is presented for Gd3+ centres with moderate magnitudes of zero-field splitting, in the range of detection frequencies and resonance fields where the high-field approximation is only roughly valid. The dipolar frequency analysis confirms the applicability of DEER for distance measurements in such complexes and gives an estimate for the magnitudes of possible systematic errors due to the non-ideality of the measurement of the dipole–dipole interaction.

Graphical abstract: Distance measurements in Au nanoparticles functionalized with nitroxide radicals and Gd3+–DTPA chelate complexes

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Article information

Article type
29 Jan 2012
24 May 2012
First published
24 May 2012

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012,14, 10732-10746

Distance measurements in Au nanoparticles functionalized with nitroxide radicals and Gd3+–DTPA chelate complexes

M. Yulikov, P. Lueders, M. Farooq Warsi, V. Chechik and G. Jeschke, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14, 10732 DOI: 10.1039/C2CP40282C

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