Issue 13, 2012

Characterization of maleimide dimers in photo-cross-linked copolyimide films


Copolyimide membranes are established materials for the separation of gaseous and liquid mixtures. Cross-linking of the polymer strands improves the physical and chemical stability. The photo-cross-linking of a 6FDA–ODA/6FDA–DABA 4 : 1 copolyimide membrane containing maleimide side groups as linker was investigated by FTIR spectroscopy. IR absorption spectra of the copolyimide backbone, 3-hydroxypropyldimethyl maleimide and the copolyimide functionalized with 3-hydroxypropyldimethyl maleimide were measured before and after different irradiation times and compared to each other. For band assignment a normal mode analysis was performed. The backbone of the polymer and the maleimide linker can be well distinguished due to their different spectral band positions. Only the films containing a maleimide moiety perform a photoreaction, the polymer backbone does not interfere. Based on the difference spectra and the results of the DFT calculations it was shown that the trans- and the cis-cycloadduct as well as the previously suggested 2-2′-adduct without a cyclobutane ring are formed upon UV irradiation. Evidence for an oxetane-like photoproduct was not found. Different time constants for the increase of the product bands were observed. The cycloadduct accumulates with a shorter time constant (τ = 2 to 5 min) than the 2-2′-adduct (τ = 75 min). The yield of the photo-cross-linking reaction was determined by spectral deconvolution and kinetic fitting of several marker bands. For the copolyimide synthesized in this work, a maximum value of 6% was reached. The stiffness of the copolyimide backbone inhibits further photo-cross-linking.

Graphical abstract: Characterization of maleimide dimers in photo-cross-linked copolyimide films

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
24 Oct 2011
06 Feb 2012
First published
07 Feb 2012

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012,14, 4538-4547

Characterization of maleimide dimers in photo-cross-linked copolyimide films

K. Hunger, L. Buschhaus, N. Schmeling, C. Staudt, A. Pfeifer and K. Kleinermanns, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14, 4538 DOI: 10.1039/C2CP23355J

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