Issue 1, 2012

XANES and XPS investigations of the local structure and final-state effects in amorphous metal silicates: (ZrO2)x(TiO2)y(SiO2)1−xy


Amorphous quaternary [(ZrO2)x(TiO2)y(SiO2)1−xy] and ternary [(ZrO2)x(SiO2)1−x] silicates were synthesized using a sol–gel method and examined viaXPS and XANES. Metal silicates are important industrial materials, though structural characterization is complicated because of their amorphous nature. Hard (Ti K- and Zr K-edge) and soft (Ti L2,3-edge) X-ray XANES spectra suggest the Ti and Zr coordination numbers in the quaternary silicates remain constant as the metal identity or total metal content (x, y, or x + y in the chemical formula) is varied. XPS core-line spectra from the quaternary silicates show large decreases in Ti 2p3/2, Zr 3d5/2, Si 2p3/2, and O 1s binding energies due to increasing final-state relaxation with greater next-nearest neighbour substitution of Si for less-electronegative Ti/Zr, which was confirmed by analysis of the O Auger parameter. These decreases in binding energy occur without any changes in the ground-state energies (e.g., oxidation state) of these atoms, as examined by Ti L2,3-edge, Si L2,3-edge, and O K-edge XANES. Because most spectroscopic investigations are concerned with ground-state properties, knowledge of the contributions from final-state effects is important to understand the spectra from materials of interest.

Graphical abstract: XANES and XPS investigations of the local structure and final-state effects in amorphous metal silicates: (ZrO2)x(TiO2)y(SiO2)1−x−y

Article information

Article type
24 Aug 2011
19 Oct 2011
First published
14 Nov 2011

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012,14, 205-217

XANES and XPS investigations of the local structure and final-state effects in amorphous metal silicates: (ZrO2)x(TiO2)y(SiO2)1−xy

M. W. Gaultois and A. P. Grosvenor, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14, 205 DOI: 10.1039/C1CP22717C

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