Issue 24, 2012

The equilibria and conversions between three excited states: the LE state and two charge transfer states, in twisted pyrene-substituted tridurylboranes


Excited-state conversions were observed from a series of twisted pyrene-substituted tridurylboranes, corresponding to a locally excited (LE) state, a more planar charge transfer (CT) state with a higher fluorescence quantum efficiency, and a more twisted CT state.

Graphical abstract: The equilibria and conversions between three excited states: the LE state and two charge transfer states, in twisted pyrene-substituted tridurylboranes

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Article information

Article type
07 Dec 2011
13 Jan 2012
First published
17 Jan 2012

Chem. Commun., 2012,48, 2970-2972

The equilibria and conversions between three excited states: the LE state and two charge transfer states, in twisted pyrene-substituted tridurylboranes

M. Ren, M. Mao and Q. Song, Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 2970 DOI: 10.1039/C2CC17663G

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