Issue 3, 2012

A mass spectrometric assay for the quantification of neuropeptide PYY in plasma


A multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometric assay for the quantification of PYY in human plasma has been developed. A two stage sample preparation protocol was employed in which plasma containing the full length neuropeptide was first digested using trypsin, followed by solid-phase extraction to extract the digested peptide from the complex plasma matrix. The peptide extracts were analysed by LC-MS using multiple reaction monitoring to detect and quantify PYY. The method has been validated for plasma samples, yielding linear responses over the range 5–1,000 ng mL−1. The method is rapid, robust and specific for plasma PYY detection.

Graphical abstract: A mass spectrometric assay for the quantification of neuropeptide PYY in plasma

Article information

Article type
26 Aug 2011
27 Dec 2011
First published
02 Feb 2012

Anal. Methods, 2012,4, 714-720

A mass spectrometric assay for the quantification of neuropeptide PYY in plasma

L. Xi, Y. Jin, P. Josh, E. A. Parker, H. Herzog and M. Colgrave, Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 714 DOI: 10.1039/C2AY05536H

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