Issue 8, 2011

Theory and simulation of the self-assembly of rod–coil block copolymer melts: recent progress


The self-assembly of rod–coil block copolymers (BCPs), i.e., BCPs containing rigid or semi-flexible blocks (rods), has been much less studied and understood than that of flexible (coil) BCPs. Both the conformational asymmetry between rod and coil blocks and the orientational interaction between anisotropic rods can radically change their self-assembly from that of coil BCPs, leading to new physics, new morphologies, and new applications. In view of the emerging applications of rod–coil BCPs with π-conjugated blocks in organic optoelectronic devices, here we briefly review recent theoretical and simulation studies on the self-assembly of rod–coil BCP melts both in bulk and under thin-film confinement, and give some perspectives on future research needs in this area.

Graphical abstract: Theory and simulation of the self-assembly of rod–coil block copolymer melts: recent progress

Article information

Article type
Review Article
27 Oct 2010
21 Dec 2010
First published
18 Jan 2011

Soft Matter, 2011,7, 3711-3716

Theory and simulation of the self-assembly of rod–coil block copolymer melts: recent progress

Q. Wang, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 3711 DOI: 10.1039/C0SM01216E

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