Issue 14, 2011

A significant role of alkaline cations on the Reimer–Tiemann reaction


The Reimer–Tiemann (R–T) reaction was investigated by DFT calculations. A model composed of CHCl3, PhO(Na+)H2O and [NaOH(H2O)2]2 was employed for geometry optimizations. A K+-containing model was also investigated. The dichlorocarbene reagent, which has been thought of for a long time, was found to intervene only transiently in the carbenoid form. In this form, the Na+ (or K+) coordination to CCl2 enhances its electrophilicity toward C6H5O. The counter ion also works to stabilize the precursor phenoxide ion and intermediates of the substituted phenoxides in the hexagonal pyramidal coordination. The Na+-containing reaction consists of seven elementary processes, (K+, six ones) with extremely high exothermicity and spontaneity.

Graphical abstract: A significant role of alkaline cations on the Reimer–Tiemann reaction

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Article information

Article type
15 Mar 2011
20 Apr 2011
First published
20 Apr 2011

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011,9, 5109-5114

A significant role of alkaline cations on the Reimer–Tiemann reaction

S. Yamabe and T. Fukuda, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 5109 DOI: 10.1039/C1OB05405H

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