Issue 7, 2011

Enhancement of dye-sensitized photocurrents by gold nanoparticles: effects of dye–particle spacing


Photocurrents of a ruthenium dye–TiO2 system are enhanced by gold nanoparticles (100 or 40 nm diameter) embedded in TiO2. As dye–particle spacing decreases to 10 nm, enhancement factor and intensity of localized electric fields at the TiO2 surface increase. A further decrease in the spacing suppresses the enhancement.

Graphical abstract: Enhancement of dye-sensitized photocurrents by gold nanoparticles: effects of dye–particle spacing

Article information

Article type
23 Apr 2011
25 May 2011
First published
16 Jun 2011

Nanoscale, 2011,3, 2865-2867

Enhancement of dye-sensitized photocurrents by gold nanoparticles: effects of dye–particle spacing

T. Kawawaki, Y. Takahashi and T. Tatsuma, Nanoscale, 2011, 3, 2865 DOI: 10.1039/C1NR10416K

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