Issue 4, 2011

Synthesis and optical property of large-scale centimetres-long silicon carbide nanowires by catalyst-free CVD route under superatmospheric pressure conditions


Large-scale centimetres-long single-crystal β–SiC nanowires have been prepared using CH4 as the carbon source and SiO or the mixture of Si and SiO2 as the silicon source by a simple catalyst-free CVD route under superatmospheric pressure conditions. The nanowries grown on ceramic boat or corundum substrates, with lengths of several centimetres and the average diameters of around 40 nm, were composed of single-crystal β–SiC core along the [111] direction and amorphous SiO2 shell of about 1–30 nm thick depending on the growth position along the flowing direction of the carrier gas. The total gas pressure is an important factor for the synthesis of the large-scale centimetres-long β–SiC nanowires, which can easily adjust the pressure of the vapors to supersaturation condition. The growth of the nanowires was governed by the Vapor-Solid mechanism. The β–SiC nanowires showed an intense blue light emission at room temperature.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and optical property of large-scale centimetres-long silicon carbide nanowires by catalyst-free CVD route under superatmospheric pressure conditions

Article information

Article type
26 Sep 2010
03 Dec 2010
First published
08 Feb 2011

Nanoscale, 2011,3, 1582-1591

Synthesis and optical property of large-scale centimetres-long silicon carbide nanowires by catalyst-free CVD route under superatmospheric pressure conditions

L. Lin, Nanoscale, 2011, 3, 1582 DOI: 10.1039/C0NR00717J

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