Issue 4, 2011

Preparation of ideal molecular junctions: depositing non-invasive gold contacts on molecularly modified silicon


Recent advances in creating rectifying gold|monolayer|silicon (Au–M–Si) junctions (namely, molecular silicon diodes) are reviewed. It is known that direct deposition of gold contacts onto molecular monolayers covalently bonded to silicon surfaces causes notable disruption to the junction structure, resulting in deteriorated performance and poor reproducibility that are unsuitable for practical applications. In the past few years, several new experimental approaches have been explored to minimize or eliminate such damage, including the “indirect” evaporation method and the pre-deposition of a protective “non-penetrating” metal. To enhance the interactions at the gold–monolayer interface, head-groups that allow bonding to gold are used to maintain the monolayer integrity. Construction of the device via flip-chip lamination and the modified polymer-assisted lift-off techniques also prohibits monolayer damage. Refining the fabrication and design techniques towards reliable molecular junctions is crucial if they are to be used in nanoelectronics for the purpose of miniaturization.

Graphical abstract: Preparation of ideal molecular junctions: depositing non-invasive gold contacts on molecularly modified silicon

Article information

Article type
15 Sep 2010
04 Jan 2011
First published
03 Feb 2011

Nanoscale, 2011,3, 1434-1445

Preparation of ideal molecular junctions: depositing non-invasive gold contacts on molecularly modified silicon

R. T. W. Popoff, K. L. Kavanagh and H. Yu, Nanoscale, 2011, 3, 1434 DOI: 10.1039/C0NR00677G

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