Issue 2, 2011

Production and role of volatile halogenated compounds from marine algae


Covering: up to August 2010

Marine organisms are an important source of volatile halogenated natural products. Marine algae, in particular, contribute significantly to the global budget of halogenated hydrocarbons that play an important role in climate functioning. However, despite the large amounts of halogenated metabolites from algae, we know relatively little about their function in the producing organism. In this Highlight, we discuss the current knowledge of volatile halogenated compounds from algae, with a focus on biosynthesis, algal physiology and chemical ecology. We also briefly discuss geochemical aspects arising from the release of halogenated natural products from micro- and macroalgae.

Graphical abstract: Production and role of volatile halogenated compounds from marine algae

Article information

Article type
16 Sep 2010
First published
01 Dec 2010

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2011,28, 186-195

Production and role of volatile halogenated compounds from marine algae

C. Paul and G. Pohnert, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2011, 28, 186 DOI: 10.1039/C0NP00043D

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