Issue 45, 2011

Effect of extended polymer chains on properties of transparent graphenenanosheets conductive film


This study examined the intercalation reaction of graphite oxide (GO) with poly(acryl amide)/poly(acrylic acid) (PMA) as a method to control the spacing between GOs. The interlayer spacing of GO was increased from 0.80 to 1.21 nm by grafting PMA on the GO surface. To fabricate transparent conductive films (TCFs), GOs must be reduced to graphene nanosheets (GNS) by a two-step chemical reduction with increased conductivity. The intercalated polymer chains of poly(acrylic acid) between GNS were extended as the carboxylic acid groups were deprotonated by the Na+ ions of NaBH4 on reduction, which efficiently inhibits GNS aggregation and restacking. The Na+ bonding on the polymer chains also facilitates electron transfer between the layers, yielding lower surface electrical resistance at the same GNS film thickness. The PMA grafted GNS (NE-PMA-GNS) composite films show the lowest sheet resistance of 2.11 × 102 Ω □−1, which is one order of magnitude less than that without grafting polymer (NE-GNS, 1.86 × 103 Ω □−1); moreover, instead of 0.22, the ratio of DC conductivity to optical conductivity (σDC/σOP) was 2.60. The higher σDC/σOP ratio indicates a higher TCFs performance.

Graphical abstract: Effect of extended polymer chains on properties of transparent graphene nanosheets conductive film

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
06 Aug 2011
16 Sep 2011
First published
14 Oct 2011

J. Mater. Chem., 2011,21, 18236-18241

Effect of extended polymer chains on properties of transparent graphene nanosheets conductive film

Y. Huang, H. Tien, C. M. Ma, S. Yang, S. Wu, H. Liu and Y. Mai, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 18236 DOI: 10.1039/C1JM13790E

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