Issue 2, 2011

3D hierarchically porous ZnO structures and their functionalization by Aunanoparticles for gas sensors


Three-dimensional (3D) hierarchically porous nanostructures with controlled morphology and dimensionality represent one kind of important material and have received enormous attention for a series of applications. In this work, 3D hierarchically porous ZnO architectures were synthesized via an amino acid-assisted biomimetic hydrothermal method combined with subsequent calcination. First a basic zinc carbonate (BZC) precursor with a lamellar spherical morphology assembled by interconnected nanosheets was synthesized. By subsequent calcination, the as-obtained BZC precursor can be facilely transformed into porous ZnO with a large surface area of 193.7 m2/g, while maintaining its 3D hierarchical morphology. The 3D hierarchically porous ZnO superstructures are further employed as a support to load Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) to construct hybrid nanomaterials for chemical gas sensors. The AuNP-functionalized 3D hierarchically porous ZnO nanomaterials, combining the high surface accessibility of porous materials and catalytic activity of small AuNPs, demonstrated excellent sensor properties in terms of higher sensitivity and very fast response. Furthermore, it is expected this AuNP-functionalized 3D hierarchically porous nanostructure may provide a new pathway to develop advanced nanomaterials for applications like gas sensors, low temperature CO oxidation and photocatalysis.

Graphical abstract: 3D hierarchically porous ZnO structures and their functionalization by Au nanoparticles for gas sensors

Article information

Article type
07 Jun 2010
03 Sep 2010
First published
22 Oct 2010

J. Mater. Chem., 2011,21, 349-356

3D hierarchically porous ZnO structures and their functionalization by Au nanoparticles for gas sensors

X. Liu, J. Zhang, L. Wang, T. Yang, X. Guo, S. Wu and S. Wang, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 349 DOI: 10.1039/C0JM01800G

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