Issue 9, 2011

Efficient synthesis of gem-dihydroperoxides with molecular oxygen and anthraquinone under visible light irradiation with fluorescent lamp


We developed an efficient dihydroperoxidation protocol of various carbonyl compounds with molecular oxygen and anthraquinone in 2-propanol under visible light irradiation with a fluorescent lamp, which produced corresponding gem-dihydroperoxides in high yields.

Graphical abstract: Efficient synthesis of gem-dihydroperoxides with molecular oxygen and anthraquinone under visible light irradiation with fluorescent lamp

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
20 Apr 2011
27 Jun 2011
First published
18 Jul 2011

Green Chem., 2011,13, 2347-2350

Efficient synthesis of gem-dihydroperoxides with molecular oxygen and anthraquinone under visible light irradiation with fluorescent lamp

L. Cui, N. Tada, H. Okubo, T. Miura and A. Itoh, Green Chem., 2011, 13, 2347 DOI: 10.1039/C1GC15437K

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