Issue 42, 2011

Collisional relaxation of MnH (X7Σ+) in a magnetic field: effect of the nuclear spin of Mn


In the present study we investigate the role played by the hyperfine structure of manganese in the cooling and magnetic trapping of MnH(7Σ+). The effect of the hyperfine structure of Mn on the relaxation of the magnetically trappable maximally stretched low-field seeking state of MnH(7Σ+) in collisions with 3He is deduced from comparison between the results of the present approach and our previous nuclear spin free calculations. We show that our previous results are unchanged at the temperature of the buffer gas cooling experiment but find a new resonance at very low collision energy. The role played by the different contributions to the hyperfine diatomic Hamiltonian considered in this work as well as the effect of an applied magnetic field on this resonance are also analyzed.

Graphical abstract: Collisional relaxation of MnH (X7Σ+) in a magnetic field: effect of the nuclear spin of Mn

Article information

Article type
06 May 2011
25 Aug 2011
First published
22 Sep 2011

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011,13, 19142-19147

Collisional relaxation of MnH (X7Σ+) in a magnetic field: effect of the nuclear spin of Mn

T. Stoecklin and Ph. Halvick, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 19142 DOI: 10.1039/C1CP21466G

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