Issue 21, 2011

Molten salt growth and magnetic properties of octahedral CoFe2O4 crystals: effects of synthesis conditions


Molten salts have been reported to be excellent media for preparation of crystals with special morphology. Via the molten salt synthesis (MSS) route, well defined octahedral CoFe2O4 crystals with the side length of about 0.5–1.5 μm were obtained in a series of molten salt systems, using superfine CoFe2O4 particles pre-synthesized through the hydrothermal process as the precursor. It was found that the calcining temperature, the reaction time, as well as the salt species and the content could significantly affect the crystallization habit and morphology of CoFe2O4 crystals. The magnetic test revealed that the synthesis conditions also had a remarkable influence on the magnetic parameters of the products.

Graphical abstract: Molten salt growth and magnetic properties of octahedral CoFe2O4 crystals: effects of synthesis conditions

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
18 Apr 2011
25 Jul 2011
First published
25 Aug 2011

CrystEngComm, 2011,13, 6451-6456

Molten salt growth and magnetic properties of octahedral CoFe2O4 crystals: effects of synthesis conditions

G. Ji, X. Lin, Y. Sun, S. A. Ali Trimizi, H. Su and Y. Du, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 6451 DOI: 10.1039/C1CE05459G

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