Issue 27, 2011

Lithium-doped MOF impregnated with lithium-coated fullerenes: A hydrogen storage route for high gravimetric and volumetric uptakes at ambient temperatures


We theoretically demonstrated that by the impregnation of Li-decorated IRMOF-10 with Li-coated C60, the hydrogen storage capacity is improved to be 6.3 wt% and 42 g Lāˆ’1 at 100 bar and 243 K. Both the gravimetric and volumetric hydrogen uptakes reach the 2015 DOE target at near ambient conditions.

Graphical abstract: Lithium-doped MOF impregnated with lithium-coated fullerenes: A hydrogen storage route for high gravimetric and volumetric uptakes at ambient temperatures

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Article information

Article type
31 Mar 2011
12 May 2011
First published
09 Jun 2011

Chem. Commun., 2011,47, 7698-7700

Lithium-doped MOF impregnated with lithium-coated fullerenes: A hydrogen storage route for high gravimetric and volumetric uptakes at ambient temperatures

D. Rao, R. Lu, C. Xiao, E. Kan and K. Deng, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 7698 DOI: 10.1039/C1CC11832C

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