Issue 18, 2010

Reptation in langmuir polymer monolayers


We report the existence of reptation motion typical of entangled polymer chains in dense polymer monolayers spread at the air–water interface. Ellipsometry determinations of the layer thickness reveal a thickening of the layers in the semi-dilute region, enabling the existence of entanglements. Relaxation measurements were performed using compression and shear surface deformations. The resulting dependence on the chain concentration and size are compatible with the existence of diffusion reptation motions controlling molecular transport inside the monolayer. As in the bulk, these features are observed above a critical number of monomers, Ne, for which chain entanglements become possible

Graphical abstract: Reptation in langmuir polymer monolayers

Article information

Article type
13 Apr 2010
01 Jun 2010
First published
04 Aug 2010

Soft Matter, 2010,6, 4407-4412

Reptation in langmuir polymer monolayers

A. Maestro, H. M. Hilles, F. Ortega, R. G. Rubio, D. Langevin and F. Monroy, Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 4407 DOI: 10.1039/C0SM00250J

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