Issue 1, 2010

Superconducting tantalum disulfide nanotapes; growth, structure and stoichiometry


Superconducting tantalum disulfidenanowires have been synthesised by surface-assisted chemical vapour transport (SACVT) methods and their crystal structure, morphology and stoichiometry studied by powder X-ray diffraction (PXD), scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and nanodiffraction. The evolution of morphology, stoichiometry and structure of materials grown by SACVT methods in the Ta–S system with reaction temperature was investigated systematically. High-aspect-ratio, superconducting disulfidenanowires are produced at intermediate reaction temperatures (650 °C). The superconducting wires are single crystalline, adopt the 2H polytypic structure (hexagonal space group P63/mmc: a = 3.32(2) Å, c = 12.159(2) Å; c/a = 3.66) and grow in the <2[1 with combining macron][1 with combining macron]0> direction. The nanowires are of rectangular cross-section forming nanotapes composed of bundles of much smaller fibres that grow cooperatively. At lower reaction temperatures nanowires close to a composition of TaS3 are produced whereas elevated temperatures yield platelets of 1T TaS2.

Graphical abstract: Superconducting tantalum disulfide nanotapes; growth, structure and stoichiometry

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Article information

Article type
17 Aug 2009
25 Sep 2009
First published
27 Oct 2009

Nanoscale, 2010,2, 90-97

Superconducting tantalum disulfide nanotapes; growth, structure and stoichiometry

C. W. Dunnill, I. MacLaren and D. H. Gregory, Nanoscale, 2010, 2, 90 DOI: 10.1039/B9NR00224C

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