Issue 11, 2010

MOFs, MILs and more: concepts, properties and applications for porous coordination networks (PCNs)


This review (over 380 references) summarizes metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), Materials Institute Lavoisier (MILs), iso-reticular metal–organic frameworks (IR-MOFs), porous coordination networks (PCNs), zeolitic metal–organic frameworks (ZMOFs) and porous coordination polymers (PCPs) with selected examples of their structures, concepts for linkers, syntheses, post-synthesis modifications, metal nanoparticle formations in MOFs, porosity and zeolitic behavior for applications in gas storage for hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane and applications in conductivity, luminescence and catalysis.

Graphical abstract: MOFs, MILs and more: concepts, properties and applications for porous coordination networks (PCNs)

Article information

Article type
14 Apr 2010
17 Jun 2010
First published
09 Aug 2010

New J. Chem., 2010,34, 2366-2388

MOFs, MILs and more: concepts, properties and applications for porous coordination networks (PCNs)

C. Janiak and J. K. Vieth, New J. Chem., 2010, 34, 2366 DOI: 10.1039/C0NJ00275E

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