Issue 10, 2010

Microbead-based rolling circle amplification in a microchip for sensitive DNA detection


The sensitive detection and quantification of DNA targets in the food industry and in environmental and clinical settings are issues of utmost importance in ensuring contamination-free food, monitoring the environment, and battling disease. Selective probes coupled with powerful amplification techniques are therefore of major interest. In this study, we set out to create an integrated microchemical chip that benefits from microfluidic chip technology in terms of sensitivity and a strong detection methodology provided jointly by padlock probes and rolling circle amplification (RCA). Here, we have integrated padlock probes and RCA into a microchip. The chip uses solid phase capture in a microchannel to enable washing cycles and decrease analytical area, and employs on-bead RCA for single-molecule amplification and detection. We investigated the effects of reagent concentration and amount of padlock probes, and demonstrated the feasibility of detecting Salmonella.

Graphical abstract: Microbead-based rolling circle amplification in a microchip for sensitive DNA detection

Article information

Article type
05 Jan 2010
22 Feb 2010
First published
12 Mar 2010

Lab Chip, 2010,10, 1262-1266

Microbead-based rolling circle amplification in a microchip for sensitive DNA detection

K. Sato, A. Tachihara, B. Renberg, K. Mawatari, K. Sato, Y. Tanaka, J. Jarvius, M. Nilsson and T. Kitamori, Lab Chip, 2010, 10, 1262 DOI: 10.1039/B927460J

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