Issue 45, 2010

Si-based anode materials for lithium rechargeable batteries


Silicon is a very promising candidate to replace graphite as the anode in Li-ion batteries because of its very high theoretical capacity, relatively low cost and low toxicity. However, it has not yet made its way into commercial cells. This review highlights recent progress on Si-based anode materials for lithium rechargeable batteries.

Graphical abstract: Si-based anode materials for lithium rechargeable batteries

Article information

Article type
02 Jun 2010
10 Jul 2010
First published
12 Aug 2010

J. Mater. Chem., 2010,20, 10055-10057

Si-based anode materials for lithium rechargeable batteries

H. K. Liu, Z. P. Guo, J. Z. Wang and K. Konstantinov, J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 10055 DOI: 10.1039/C0JM01702G

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