Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are rapidly becoming an essential part of organic electronics such as light emitting diodes (LEDs), organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), and complementary circuits, where they are employed to control the morphology and energetics of the interfaces. This review will focus on interface engineering and its influence on such devices. We will describe the growth of SAMs of organic molecules on various surfaces of interest for this purpose (mainly metals and oxides). For the growth of SAMs on metal electrodes, the most common approach makes use of thiols to modify the metal surface, but the preparation of SAMs on dielectrics requires other reactive groups such as carboxylic or phosphonic acids. We review also the control of the interfacial properties by appropriate molecular design of the SAMs and their effect on device performance. SAMs can modify the morphology of the organic semiconductor, the dielectric properties of the insulator, the electronic states at the dielectric interface and the level alignment at the electrode interfaces. All these factors can influence current transport mainly by modifying the charge mobility, the contact resistance and the trap density at the interfaces.
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