Issue 12, 2010

Simultaneous uranium/plutonium separation and direct isotope ratio measurements by using CO2 as the gas in a collision/reaction cell based MC-ICPMS


The measurement of U and Pu isotope ratios is of prime interest in nuclear research fields particularly for the management of radioactive waste. One of the major drawbacks in analysing Pu isotopes is the occurrence of 238U238Pu isobaric interference. In this work we propose to suppress this interference by adding CO2 as a reactive gas in the collision-reaction cell of the MC-ICPMS. We have demonstrated that the different reactivities of Pu and U towards CO2 gas allow accurate and precise Pu and U isotopic measurements on Pu+ and UO2+ forms, by using two different CO2 gas flow rates: 0.4 mL min−1 for Pu+ and 1.5 mL min−1 for UO2+. Parameters like optimum CO2 gas flow in the cell, oxides isotope abundance, instrumental mass bias and memory blank, were carefully evaluated and corrected. The developed analytical method was validated using a transmutation 235U target sample irradiated in the Phenix French fast neutron reactor. A good agreement between isotope ratios of U and Pu measured with CO2 in the cell and U and Pu measured after chemical separation was obtained. The relative difference of the average isotope ratio values between the chemically purified fraction and the direct measurements using CO2 was found to be 0.38% and 0.11% for U and Pu, respectively.

Graphical abstract: Simultaneous uranium/plutonium separation and direct isotope ratio measurements by using CO2 as the gas in a collision/reaction cell based MC-ICPMS

Article information

Article type
28 Jul 2010
07 Sep 2010
First published
30 Sep 2010

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2010,25, 1939-1945

Simultaneous uranium/plutonium separation and direct isotope ratio measurements by using CO2 as the gas in a collision/reaction cell based MC-ICPMS

A. Gourgiotis, M. Granet, H. Isnard, A. Nonell, C. Gautier, G. Stadelmann, M. Aubert, D. Durand, S. Legand and F. Chartier, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2010, 25, 1939 DOI: 10.1039/C0JA00092B

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