Issue 39, 2010

Novel neutral hexacoordinate silicon(iv) complexes with two bidentate monoanionic benzamidinato ligands


The novel neutral hexacoordinate bis(benzamidinato)silicon(IV) complexes 1–10 (SiN4X2 skeletons; X = F, Cl, Br, C, N, S, Se) were synthesised and characterised by elemental analyses, single-crystal X-ray diffraction (except for 2) and NMR spectroscopy in the solid state and in solution. The dynamic behavior of 1 (SiN4Cl2 skeleton) and 3 (SiN4F2) was additionally studied by variable-temperature NMR experiments. Compounds 1 and 2 (SiN4Br2) were obtained by reaction of SiCl4 and SiBr4, respectively, with two molar equivalents of the corresponding lithium amidinate. Compound 1 served as the starting material in the syntheses of 3–10, in which the two chloro ligands of 1 were substituted by two (pseudo)halogeno or one bidentate dianionic S,S, S,Se or Se,Se ligand. Compound 4 contains an SiN4C2 skeleton and 5–7 contain an SiN6 skeleton. With the preparation of 8 (SiN4S2 skeleton), 9 (SiN4SSe) and 10 (SiN4Se2) it could be demonstrated that syntheses of hexacoordinate silicon(IV) complexes with soft chalcogeno ligand atoms are indeed feasible. Compounds 9 and 10 are the first hexacoordinate silicon(IV) complexes with Si–Se bonds.

Graphical abstract: Novel neutral hexacoordinate silicon(iv) complexes with two bidentate monoanionic benzamidinato ligands

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Article information

Article type
29 Apr 2010
23 Jun 2010
First published
01 Sep 2010

Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 9401-9413

Novel neutral hexacoordinate silicon(IV) complexes with two bidentate monoanionic benzamidinato ligands

K. Junold, C. Burschka, R. Bertermann and R. Tacke, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 9401 DOI: 10.1039/C0DT00391C

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