Issue 43, 2010

Highly ordered aluminium-planted mesoporous silica as active catalyst for Biginelli reaction and formyl C–H insertion reaction with diazoester


Al-planted MCM-41s (Al-M41s) with regular mesoporous structure and Si/Al ratio of 23–32 were successfully prepared by the template-ion exchange method in which the template/Si molar ratio and Si/Al ratio were adjusted at 1.44 and 5–15, and showed much higher catalytic activity for the titled reactions than the other types of Al-M41s prepared by post-synthesis or sol–gel methods.

Graphical abstract: Highly ordered aluminium-planted mesoporous silica as active catalyst for Biginelli reaction and formyl C–H insertion reaction with diazoester

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Article information

Article type
14 May 2010
20 Sep 2010
First published
12 Oct 2010

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010,12, 14452-14455

Highly ordered aluminium-planted mesoporous silica as active catalyst for Biginelli reaction and formyl C–H insertion reaction with diazoester

H. Murata, H. Ishitani and M. Iwamoto, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 14452 DOI: 10.1039/C0CP00565G

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