Issue 9, 2010

In situ investigations of the polyoxometalate Trojan Horse compound K7Na[WVI18O56(SO3)2(H2O)2]·20H2O under high temperature and high pressure conditions


We have used Raman and IR spectroscopy to study the oxidation reaction of sulfite groups in the unique polyoxometalate compound K7Na[WVI18O56(SO3)2(H2O)2]·20H2O with a structure related to the Wells–Dawson type in situ at high temperature and high pressure. The results give new insights into the unusual redox process that occurs in this compound with electrons and O2− ions transferred between the polyoxometalate cluster and SO32−/SO42− groups held within the cage in a process that has been termed the “Trojan Horse” effect.

Graphical abstract: In situ investigations of the polyoxometalate Trojan Horse compound K7Na[WVI18O56(SO3)2(H2O)2]·20H2O under high temperature and high pressure conditions

Article information

Article type
18 Feb 2010
06 May 2010
First published
03 Jun 2010

CrystEngComm, 2010,12, 2568-2572

In situ investigations of the polyoxometalate Trojan Horse compound K7Na[WVI18O56(SO3)2(H2O)2]·20H2O under high temperature and high pressure conditions

R. Q. Cabrera, D. Long, L. Cronin and P. F. McMillan, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 2568 DOI: 10.1039/C003388J

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