Issue 10, 2010

One-pot covalent and supramolecular synthesis of pharmaceutical co-crystals using the API isoniazid: a potential supramolecular reagent


The synthon approach has been applied to synthesizing pharmaceutical co-crystals using the anti-tuberculosis drug isonicotinic acid hydrazide (ISONIAZID). Isoniazid has the potential to be a supramolecular reagent and so far has been put to very limited use in making co-crystals. In this report, we co-crystallize isoniazid with the dicarboxylic acids malonic (1), succinic (2), glutaric (3), adipic (4) and pimelic acid (5), and the monocarboxylic acids 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (6) and 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (7). By surveying the literature through the Cambridge Structural Database, we identified the possible homosynthons and heterosynthons that are likely to form in the co-crystallization of isonizaid with carboxylic acids. The dominant interaction is the COOH⋯N hydrogen bond, which is used in all seven co-crystals. In addition, we present an example in which both a covalent and supramolecular synthesis occurs without affecting the vital supramolecular co-crystal forming synthon, the carboxylic acid⋯pyridine pair functionality, by reacting isoniazid with 2-butanone and acetone while co-crystallizing it with 3-hydroxybenzoic acid (8 and 9) in a one-pot synthesis.

Graphical abstract: One-pot covalent and supramolecular synthesis of pharmaceutical co-crystals using the API isoniazid: a potential supramolecular reagent

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Article information

Article type
08 Jan 2010
29 Mar 2010
First published
06 May 2010

CrystEngComm, 2010,12, 2856-2864

One-pot covalent and supramolecular synthesis of pharmaceutical co-crystals using the API isoniazid: a potential supramolecular reagent

A. Lemmerer, J. Bernstein and V. Kahlenberg, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 2856 DOI: 10.1039/C000473A

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