Issue 5, 2010

A highly sensitive Raman method for selective cyanide detection based on evaporated cuprous iodide substrate


A strong interaction between cyanide anion and copper(I) cation in combination with non-resonant Raman fingerprinting allows the selective sensing of aqueous free cynanide with high sensitivity to parts per billion (ppb)-level.

Graphical abstract: A highly sensitive Raman method for selective cyanide detection based on evaporated cuprous iodide substrate

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Article information

Article type
04 Feb 2010
10 Mar 2010
First published
20 Apr 2010

Anal. Methods, 2010,2, 458-460

A highly sensitive Raman method for selective cyanide detection based on evaporated cuprous iodide substrate

C. V. Gopal Reddy, F. Yan, Y. Zhang and T. Vo-Dinh, Anal. Methods, 2010, 2, 458 DOI: 10.1039/C0AY00085J

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