Issue 9, 2010

SpaciMS: spatial and temporal operando resolution of reactions within catalytic monoliths


Monolithic catalysts are widely used as structured catalysts, especially in the abatement of pollutants. Probing what happens inside these monoliths during operation is, therefore, vital for modelling and prediction of the catalyst behavior. SpaciMS is a spatially resolved capillary-inlet mass spectroscopy system allowing for the generation of spatially resolved maps of the reactions within monoliths. In this study SpaciMS results combined with 3D CFD modelling demonstrate that SpaciMS is a highly sensitive and minimally invasive technique that can provide reaction maps as well as catalytic temporal behavior. Herein we illustrate this by examining kinetic oscillations during a CO oxidation reaction over a Pt/Rh on alumina catalyst supported on a cordierite monolith. These oscillations were only observed within the monolith by SpaciMS between 30 and 90% CO conversion. Equivalent experiments performed in a plug-flow reactor using this catalyst in a crushed form over a similar range of reaction conditions did not display any oscillations demonstrating the importance of intra monolith analysis. This work demonstrates that the SpaciMS offers an accurate and comprehensive picture of structured catalysts under operation.

Graphical abstract: SpaciMS: spatial and temporal operando resolution of reactions within catalytic monoliths

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 May 2010
09 Jul 2010
First published
09 Aug 2010

Analyst, 2010,135, 2260-2272

SpaciMS: spatial and temporal operando resolution of reactions within catalytic monoliths

J. Sá, D. L. A. Fernandes, F. Aiouache, A. Goguet, C. Hardacre, D. Lundie, W. Naeem, W. P. Partridge and C. Stere, Analyst, 2010, 135, 2260 DOI: 10.1039/C0AN00303D

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