Issue 10, 2010

Hybrid integration of injector and detector functions for microchip gas chromatography


Hybrid microchips containing high aspect ratio gas chromatograph (GC) columns with an integrated on-chip split injection and a flame ionization detector were developed. Two different column configurations, spiral and serpentine, both 1 m long by 50 μm wide and 500 μm tall, were fabricated out of electrodeposited nickel. The hybrid chip allowed injection plugs on the order of 1–2 ms, which lowered the height equivalent to theoretical plates (HETP) and allowed a comparison of system level band broadening between the two column configurations. The gas phase band broadening was estimated by measuring the flow characteristics and peak broadening of an unretained compound, and the results were compared with kinetic models. Experimental results show that both spiral and serpentine column layouts had similar flow and band broadening, suggesting that gas phase band broadening may be independent of column layout. The necessity for narrow injection bands for fast micro-chip chromatographic analysis was demonstrated, which emphasized the importance of component integration in designing powerful micro-analytical systems.

Graphical abstract: Hybrid integration of injector and detector functions for microchip gas chromatography

Article information

Article type
17 May 2010
17 Jul 2010
First published
02 Sep 2010

Analyst, 2010,135, 2730-2736

Hybrid integration of injector and detector functions for microchip gas chromatography

A. Bhushan, D. Yemane, S. McDaniel, J. Goettert, M. C. Murphy and E. B. Overton, Analyst, 2010, 135, 2730 DOI: 10.1039/C0AN00322K

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