Issue 6, 2010

Conversion of NO to NO2 in air by a micro electric NOx converter based on a corona discharge process


A micro-electric-NOx-converter based on volume treatment is proposed for the evaluation of NOx concentrations in air. It can electrically convert NOx mixture from variable mixing rates into a fixed-mixing rate of 25% NO2 and 75% NO using the corona discharge process with stable conversion efficiency and high throughput (space velocity = 6.3 × 104 h−1). The micro-electric-NOx-converter is based on a volume process. Applying high voltage to the electrodes of the micro-electric-NOx-converter generates a corona discharge. This discharge creates high-energy electrons, which collide with gas molecules. After these collisions, NO and O2 are broken into single atoms, and they are re-combined as a balanced form, NO2 in this case. The fabricated micro-electric-NOx-converter converted NO into NO2 at conversion efficiency of 25.63%, when 5.5 kV (the applied corona power = 0.196 W) was applied to the micro-electric-NOx-converter.

Graphical abstract: Conversion of NO to NO2 in air by a micro electric NOx converter based on a corona discharge process

Article information

Article type
26 Oct 2009
02 Mar 2010
First published
23 Mar 2010

Analyst, 2010,135, 1327-1332

Conversion of NO to NO2 in air by a micro electric NOx converter based on a corona discharge process

S. Yoon, S. Heo, S. Song and Y. Kim, Analyst, 2010, 135, 1327 DOI: 10.1039/B922360F

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