Issue 3, 2009

Substituent effect in unsymmetrical lutetium bisphthalocyanines: a DFT analysis


DFT calculations have been carried out on a series of unsymmetrical bisphthalocyanine lutetium complexes in which one of the ligands is substituted by 8 or 16 chlorine atoms. It is shown that their unpaired electron is predominantly localized on the non-substituted ligand. An orbital explanation is provided to rationalize this effect. A good agreement is found between the computed and experimental ionization potentials and electroaffinities and the redox potentials of a closely related series, as well as between their TDDFT-computed and experimental UV-visible transitions which are analysed.

Graphical abstract: Substituent effect in unsymmetrical lutetium bisphthalocyanines: a DFT analysis

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
07 Jul 2008
17 Oct 2008
First published
08 Dec 2008

New J. Chem., 2009,33, 574-582

Substituent effect in unsymmetrical lutetium bisphthalocyanines: a DFT analysis

S. Kahlal, A. Mentec, A. Pondaven, M. L’Her and J. Saillard, New J. Chem., 2009, 33, 574 DOI: 10.1039/B810131K

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