Issue 2, 2009

Observation of a dynamic equilibrium between DNA hairpin and duplex forms of covalent adducts of a minor groove binding agent


A dynamic equilibrium between covalent 1 : 1 hairpin and 2 : 1 duplex DNA adducts of a pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD) minor groove binding agent (1) has been observed for the first time. The equilibrium, which establishes over 1 hour and must require unfolding of both types of adducts, is surprising given that PBDs normally require DNA minor groove structure for binding and take 24 hours for complete reaction with duplex DNA. The equilibrium is interesting from an energetics perspective due to the well known DNA stabilizing effect of PBDs. This observation could have significance for the in vitro and in vivo biological activity of PBDs, as DNA hairpin and loop structures are known to be important in cellular processes such as transcription and replication.

Graphical abstract: Observation of a dynamic equilibrium between DNA hairpin and duplex forms of covalent adducts of a minor groove binding agent

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Article information

Article type
15 Sep 2008
15 Oct 2008
First published
17 Nov 2008

Chem. Commun., 2009, 227-229

Observation of a dynamic equilibrium between DNA hairpin and duplex forms of covalent adducts of a minor groove binding agent

K. M. Rahman, V. Mussa, M. Narayanaswamy, C. H. James, P. W. Howard and D. E. Thurston, Chem. Commun., 2009, 227 DOI: 10.1039/B816163A

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