Issue 8, 2008

SmartBuild–A truly plug-n-play modular microfluidic system


In this Technical Note, for the first time, a truly “plug-n-play” modular microfluidic system (SmartBuild Plug-n-Play Modular Microfluidic System) is presented for designing and building integrated modular microfluidic systems for biological and chemical applications. The modular microfluidic system can be built by connecting multiple microfluidic components together to form a larger integrated system. The SmartBuild System comprises of a motherboard with interconnect channels/grooves, fitting components, microchannel inserts with different configurations and microchips/modules with different functionalities. Also, heaters, micropumps and valving systems can be designed and used in the system. Examples of an integrated mixing system and reaction systems are presented here to demonstrate the versatility of the SmartBuild System.

Graphical abstract: SmartBuild–A truly plug-n-play modular microfluidic system

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Technical Note
27 Mar 2008
04 Jun 2008
First published
03 Jul 2008

Lab Chip, 2008,8, 1374-1378

SmartBuild–A truly plug-n-play modular microfluidic system

P. K. Yuen, Lab Chip, 2008, 8, 1374 DOI: 10.1039/B805086D

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