Issue 2, 2008

Influence of channel position on sample confinement in two-dimensional planar microfluidic devices


We report enhanced sample confinement on microfluidic devices using a combination of electrokinetic flow from adjacent control channels and electric field shaping with an array of channels perpendicular to the sample stream. The basic device design consisted of a single first dimension (1D) channel, intersecting an array of 32 or 96 parallel second dimension (2D) channels. To minimize sample dispersion and leakage into the parallel channels as the sample traversed the sample transfer region, control channels were placed to the left and right of the 1D and waste channels. The electrokinetic flow from the control channels confined the sample stream and acted as a buffer between the sample stream and the 2D channels. To further enhance sample confinement, the electric field was shaped parallel to the sample stream by placing the channel array in close proximity to the sample transfer region. Using COMSOL Multiphysics, initial work focused on simulating the electric fields and fluid flows in various device geometries, and the results guided device design. Following the design phase, we fabricated devices with 40, 80, and 120 µm wide control channels and evaluated the sample stream width as a function of the electric field strength ratio in the control and 1D channels (EC/E1D). For the 32 channel design, the 40 and 80 µm wide control channels produced the most effective sample confinement with stream widths as narrow as 75 µm, and for the 96 channel design, all three control channel widths generated comparable sample stream widths. Comparison of the 32 and 96 channel designs showed sample confinement scaled easily with the length of the sample transfer region.

Graphical abstract: Influence of channel position on sample confinement in two-dimensional planar microfluidic devices

Article information

Article type
04 Sep 2007
21 Nov 2007
First published
05 Dec 2007

Lab Chip, 2008,8, 316-322

Influence of channel position on sample confinement in two-dimensional planar microfluidic devices

M. A. Lerch, M. D. Hoffman and S. C. Jacobson, Lab Chip, 2008, 8, 316 DOI: 10.1039/B713500A

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