Issue 27, 2008

Complete and ‘incomplete’ [2 × 2] grids by self-assembly with a sterically hindered ditopic imidazole hydrazone ligand—structural and magnetic studies


A ditopic hydrazone ligand (ioap) synthesized from the condensation of 4-methyl-5-imidazole carboxylic acid hydrazide with the iminoester of 2-pyridinecarbonitrile formed targeted [2 × 2] M4L4 (M = Cu(II), Ni(II); L = ioap) grids, and a mixed oxidation state dinuclear cobalt complex. An ‘incomplete’ trinuclear M3L4 (M = Mn(II)) grid, based on a [2 × 2] grid architecture, resulting from steric congestion of the imidazole methyl-substituent, was also produced. These results lead to the suggestion of one possible route to the self-assembly pathway of the [2 × 2] grids. The Mn(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes have hydrazone oxygen bridges between metal centres, which lead to antiferromagnetic exchange in the Mn(II)3 and Ni(II)4 cases, but, due to the presence of orthogonal bridging connections, to ferromagnetic exchange for the Cu(II)4 example. Structural and magnetic properties are discussed based on the bridging connections.

Graphical abstract: Complete and ‘incomplete’ [2 × 2] grids by self-assembly with a sterically hindered ditopic imidazole hydrazone ligand—structural and magnetic studies

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
14 Jan 2008
16 Apr 2008
First published
02 Jun 2008

Dalton Trans., 2008, 3610-3618

Complete and ‘incomplete’ [2 × 2] grids by self-assembly with a sterically hindered ditopic imidazole hydrazone ligand—structural and magnetic studies

L. N. Dawe and L. K. Thompson, Dalton Trans., 2008, 3610 DOI: 10.1039/B800529J

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