Issue 1, 2008

Anion receptors based on organic frameworks: highlights from 2005 and 2006


This critical review covers advances in anion complexation chemistry related to receptors based on organic frameworks in the years 2005–2006. The review covers anion receptors that employ amides and thioamides, pyrroles and indoles, ureas and thioureas, ammonium, guanidinium, imidazolium, and receptors containing hydroxyl groups. There is a discussion of anion templated assembly, followed by a short section outlining modelling studies of these systems. (226 references.)

Graphical abstract: Anion receptors based on organic frameworks: highlights from 2005 and 2006

Article information

Article type
Critical Review
12 Oct 2007
First published
14 Nov 2007

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2008,37, 151-190

Anion receptors based on organic frameworks: highlights from 2005 and 2006

P. A. Gale, S. E. García-Garrido and J. Garric, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2008, 37, 151 DOI: 10.1039/B715825D

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