Issue 47, 2008

Generation of the organo-rare gas dications HCCRg2+ (Rg = Ar and Kr) in the reaction of acetylene dications with rare gases


Using doubly ionized acetylene as a superelectrophilic reagent, the new rare-gas compounds HCCAr2+ and HCCKr2+ have been prepared for the first time in hyperthermal collisions of mass-selected C2H22+ with neutral rare gases (Rg). However, electron transfer from the rare gas to the acetylene dication as well as proton transfer from C2H22+ to the rare gas efficiently compete with formation of HCCRg2+. The computational investigations show that the formation of HCCRg2+ from acetylene dication is endothermic with Rg = He, Ne, Ar and Kr and only weakly exothermic with Xe. These energetic factors, as well as the pronounced competition with the other reactive channels help to explain why HCCRg2+ is only observed with Rg = Ar and Kr.

Graphical abstract: Generation of the organo-rare gas dications HCCRg2+ (Rg = Ar and Kr) in the reaction of acetylene dications with rare gases

Article information

Article type
18 Jun 2008
02 Sep 2008
First published
15 Oct 2008

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008,10, 7121-7128

Generation of the organo-rare gas dications HCCRg2+ (Rg = Ar and Kr) in the reaction of acetylene dications with rare gases

D. Ascenzi, P. Tosi, J. Roithová, C. L. Ricketts, D. Schröder, J. F. Lockyear, M. A. Parkes and S. D. Price, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 7121 DOI: 10.1039/B810398D

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