Issue 15, 2008

An unusually stable octanuclear σ-mesityl-bridged µ4-oxo-copper(i) complex encapsulated by a pyrazolate-based compartmental ligand scaffold


A new compartmental pyrazole-derived chelating ligand, four equivalents of mesitylcopper and stoichiometric amounts of dioxygen lead to the formation of a remarkably stable organometallic framework that can be described as a heteroleptic O-centered cuprate anion [(MesCuI)4(µ4-O)]2 linked via σ-mesityl-bridges to two surrounding binuclear CuI-pyrazolate clamps.

Graphical abstract: An unusually stable octanuclear σ-mesityl-bridged µ4-oxo-copper(i) complex encapsulated by a pyrazolate-based compartmental ligand scaffold

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
14 Nov 2007
10 Jan 2008
First published
06 Feb 2008

Chem. Commun., 2008, 1744-1746

An unusually stable octanuclear σ-mesityl-bridged µ4-oxo-copper(I) complex encapsulated by a pyrazolate-based compartmental ligand scaffold

M. Stollenz, C. Große and F. Meyer, Chem. Commun., 2008, 1744 DOI: 10.1039/B717571J

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