Issue 8, 2007

Mesostructural control of non-silica-based hybrid mesoporous film composed of aluminium ethylenediphosphonate using triblock copolymer and their TEM observation


A mixed solution of ethanol and water containing EO80PO30EO80 was combined with a solution prepared by the reaction between (HO)2OPC2H4O(OH)2 and AlCl3 in ethanolwater in order to obtain clear precursor solutions for the synthesis of ordered mesoporous aluminium organophosphonate (AOP) films with high transparency. The amount of EO80PO30EO80 in the precursor solution strongly influenced the mesostructural ordering of the AOP films, which was mainly investigated through TEM observations. Ordered mesoporous AOP films can be obtained and their high porosity was proved by direct N2 adsorption–desorption measurement. High adsorption capacity of acetaldehyde molecules over such films was also confirmed.

Graphical abstract: Mesostructural control of non-silica-based hybrid mesoporous film composed of aluminium ethylenediphosphonate using triblock copolymer and their TEM observation

Article information

Article type
14 Mar 2007
24 Apr 2007
First published
15 May 2007

New J. Chem., 2007,31, 1488-1492

Mesostructural control of non-silica-based hybrid mesoporous film composed of aluminium ethylenediphosphonate using triblock copolymer and their TEM observation

T. Kimura and K. Kato, New J. Chem., 2007, 31, 1488 DOI: 10.1039/B703841K

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