(N-CnH2n−1)-1,3-Azapropanedithiolate (n = 5, 6, 7)-bridged diiron complexes as mimics for the active site of [FeFe]-hydrogenases: the influence of the bridge on the diiron complex†
To further understand the effects of 1,3-azadithiolate (ADT) bridges on the structures and properties of diiron complexes, a novel family of (N-CnH2n−1)-1,3-azapropanedithiolate-bridged diiron complexes [Fe2(CO)6(CH2S)2N–CnH2n−1] (n = 5, 6, 7) and their PMe3-disubstituted complexes [Fe2(CO)4(PMe3)2(CH2S)2N–CnH2n−1] (n = 5, 6, 7) were synthesized as mimics of [FeFe]-hydrogenases. Our studies suggest that the coordination configurations, CO stretching frequencies, 1H and