Issue 12, 2007

Cross-metathesis of fatty acid derivatives with methyl acrylate: renewable raw materials for the chemical industry


The cross-metathesis of fatty acid esters derived from plant oils as renewable raw materials with methyl acrylate was studied, revealing high conversions for the synthesis of α,ω-dicarboxylic acid esters, depending on the choice of catalyst. A series of unsaturated α,ω-diesters (1,8-, 1,11-, 1,12-, 1,15-, and 1,20-), as well as unsaturated α-esters, was thus prepared and fully characterized. The obtained results can significantly contribute to a sustainable supply of monomers for polyester and polyamide synthesis, as well as for detergents.

Graphical abstract: Cross-metathesis of fatty acid derivatives with methyl acrylate: renewable raw materials for the chemical industry

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Article information

Article type
09 Aug 2007
28 Sep 2007
First published
16 Oct 2007

Green Chem., 2007,9, 1356-1361

Cross-metathesis of fatty acid derivatives with methyl acrylate: renewable raw materials for the chemical industry

A. Rybak and M. A. R. Meier, Green Chem., 2007, 9, 1356 DOI: 10.1039/B712293D

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