Issue 11, 2007

New concepts in multidentate ligand chemistry: effects of multidentarity on catalytic and spectroscopic properties of ferrocenyl polyphosphines


This tutorial review devoted to ligand chemistry deals with the design and properties of ferrocenyl polyphosphines, an original class of multidentate ligands. The development of a varied library of ferrocenyl tetra-, tri- and diphosphine ligands is reviewed. The multidentate nature of these species has led to unique spectroscopic and catalytic properties, in which the spatial proximity of phosphorus atoms is crucial. Regarding their catalytic applications, the key issues of catalyst longevity and ultralow catalyst loadings are discussed. Another part is concerned with fundamental advances gained in physical chemistry for structure elucidation by the study of the intriguing “through-space” NMR spin–spin J couplings existing within several of these polyphosphines.

Graphical abstract: New concepts in multidentate ligand chemistry: effects of multidentarity on catalytic and spectroscopic properties of ferrocenyl polyphosphines

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
12 Mar 2007
First published
27 Jun 2007

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2007,36, 1754-1769

New concepts in multidentate ligand chemistry: effects of multidentarity on catalytic and spectroscopic properties of ferrocenyl polyphosphines

J. Hierso, R. Smaliy, R. Amardeil and P. Meunier, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2007, 36, 1754 DOI: 10.1039/B701207C

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