Issue 2, 2006

Catecholamine-induced release of nitric oxide from N-nitrosotryptophan derivatives: A non-enzymatic method for catecholamineoxidation


In recent years, interest in the physiological functions of S-nitrosothiols has strongly increased owing to the potential of these compounds to release nitric oxide. In contrast, little is known about similar functions of N-nitrosated (N-terminal-blocked) tryptophan derivatives, which can be also formed at physiological pH. Utilizing N-acetyl-N-nitrosotryptophan (NANT) and N-nitrosomelatonin (NOMela) as model compounds, we have studied their reaction with catechol and catecholamines such as epinephrine and dopamine. In these reactions, NANT was quantitatively converted to N-acetyltryptophan (NAT), and nitric oxide was identified as a volatile product. During this process, ortho-semiquinone-type radical anions deriving from catechol and dopamine, were detected by ESR spectrometry. The catechol radical concentration was about eight times higher under normoxia than under hypoxia and a similar relationship was found for the decay rates of NANT under these conditions. An epinephrine-derived oxidation product, namely adrenochrome, but not a catechol-derived one, was identified. These observations strongly indicate that N-nitrosotryptophan derivatives transfer their nitroso-function to an oxygen atom of the catecholamines, and that the so-formed intermediary aryl nitrite may decompose homolytically with release of nitric oxide, in addition to a competing hydrolysis reaction to yield nitrite and the corresponding catechol. These conclusions were supported by quantum chemical calculations performed at the CBS-QB3 level of theory. Since nitric oxide is non-enzymatically released from N-nitrosotryptophan derivatives on reaction with catecholamines, there might be a possibility for the development of epinephrine-antagonizing drugs in illnesses like hypertension and pheochromocytoma.

Graphical abstract: Catecholamine-induced release of nitric oxide from N-nitrosotryptophan derivatives: A non-enzymatic method for catecholamine oxidation

Article information

Article type
29 Sep 2005
08 Nov 2005
First published
30 Nov 2005

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2006,4, 257-267

Catecholamine-induced release of nitric oxide from N-nitrosotryptophan derivatives: A non-enzymatic method for catecholamine oxidation

A. Kytzia, H. Korth, H. de Groot and M. Kirsch, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2006, 4, 257 DOI: 10.1039/B513857D

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