Issue 40, 2006

Selective reactions on the tips of colloidal semiconductor nanorods


A strategy to access several types of Au-tipped dumbbell-like nanocrystal heterostructures is presented, which involves the selective oxidation of either PbSe or CdTe sacrificial domains, initially grown on CdSe and CdS nanorods, with a Au(III) ∶ surfactant complex. The formation of gold patches is supported by TEM, XRD and elemental analysis. This approach has allowed us to grow Au domains onto specific locations of anisotropically shaped nanocrystals for which direct metal deposition is unfeasible, as for the case of CdS nanorods. We believe that this strategy may be of general utility to create other types of complex colloidal nanoheterostructures, provided that a suitable sacrificial material can be grown on top of the starting nanocrystal seeds.

Graphical abstract: Selective reactions on the tips of colloidal semiconductor nanorods

Article information

Article type
22 May 2006
21 Jun 2006
First published
06 Jul 2006

J. Mater. Chem., 2006,16, 3952-3956

Selective reactions on the tips of colloidal semiconductor nanorods

L. Carbone, S. Kudera, C. Giannini, G. Ciccarella, R. Cingolani, P. D. Cozzoli and L. Manna, J. Mater. Chem., 2006, 16, 3952 DOI: 10.1039/B607217H

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